What Is Justifiable In Sucide

Last night, I was chatting with my roomate and he told be about a boy who commited sucide because of his girl friend. I am not too familiar with his reason for such an act ,but  I am aware of the obvious reality that he is  gone  and she lives. This got me thinking and I promised my roomate that I would share my own opinion on this question,when he asked me "What is justifiable in sucide"

After perusing through my dictionary I found  these definitions ,to a large extent I am comfortable with.
Suicide- INTENTIONAl killing of oneself or A particular instance of a person INTENTIONAL killing himself or herself, or of multiple people doing so.
Justifiable- That can be justified.
Justified- Having a justification
Justification- A REASON, EXPLANAtTION, or EXCUSE which provides convincing, morally ACCEPTABLE support for behavior or for a belief or occurrence.
Given to these definations,I could give an answer to this question but is it possible for me to answer such a question without sentiments.  I am of the belife that in answering this question sentiment plays a determining factor on one's answer or view.

Who am I kidding,I have nohing to say but my belief is-sucide is an unfair choice,a bad decision. It should never be an option.

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