Greetings friends,today is a beautiful day indeed. At this moment I would love to say to those in love happy valentine's day and for those who are not yet in love,smile for there is no hope lost,your time is near. Valentine is not just for lovers,it is for all but that is another story for another day. Time writes on its pages of our dreams,visions,realisations, all with its ink of our life experiences... My day has been spent showing my respect,paying tributes to the ladies who have impacted my life in one way or the other. From the blessing of God to mankind: my Mother,to my sisters,friends,mentors,crushes and this write up is to wrap it up for the day. NO, forgive me please,this is not the end but rather, the beginning of a new era of consciousness where African women are appreciated,respected,seen for who they are and complemented for their efforts. No offence GUYS,we have enjoyed the spotlight of domination,now is the time for the LADIES. I picked this title or appropriately,this question to point out some facts been overlooked,ignored,misunderstood etc. This question in itself gives us a reason to ask ourselves several questions and reason. My aim is to ignite thoughts in our subconscious minds, can I do that? How beautiful is beautiful? Who is an African woman? What is beautiful? What makes a woman beautiful? Is beautiful been white or black? Who is beautiful? She is fat and the other is thin,who do you prefer? Is beauty all about facial appearance or is it about the character? Many questions could be asked and if a poll were to be taken,there would be different views,opinions,more questions asked and answers given. I won't give answers cause I believe that right answers are those given based on experience and self. How beautiful is beautiful? Straight up, I would say beautiful is perfection,excellence,style,creativity,Africa. But then again one would ask "What is perfection,excellence,style,creativity and excuse me Africa?" ​Yeah that is my own view and I am sure some people will agree with me on that and some won't. But I am sure you all get the picture I am trying create when I say right answers are base on self experiences. So how beautiful is the beautiful African woman? In time past,she was beautiful when 'Blacks'(a word used to refer to Africans) use to be ashamed of their skin pigmentation and in inferiority complex bleach but she refused. Instead, she was aware of who she was as an African woman. Her beauty was illuminated in her smile and self pride when her friends cited tormenting joke. Her beauty was in her pride of self worth and understanding of herself. Do you understand yourself? The beautiful African woman did not need answer that question,it was obvious. So beautiful is the beautiful African woman who when no one does notice or know that she has silent tears. Encourages those around her and cheer them up with words like "African women are beautiful,Black is perfection,African is you,you are who you are and there is no unique being like you,you are Africa,you are above all a woman" She is beautiful when she knows her mistakes,learns from them and makes amends. I once read this story: My father left us all And married a white woman I was really ashamed of my skin then, I thought it was very bad, I thought the white woman had something Which I could never have. But one day when I was still young I met a black lady darker than I was, She cherished and boasted that her Colour was a gift from above. She told me that I was beautiful - Something no one had ever done. She said, "your skin is So black and smooth- Which shows the perfecting of the sun". She said, "To match the pretty black skin Your teeth are white as snow And I'm sure that you will show them Everywhere that you go". Everyday she would tell me this And her words began to spread. They came from other people I never even met. The words of my friends changed to, "Let me feel your face And let me see you grin"- For sister, you are beautiful- Be proud of the colour of your skin. Now, I'm not ashamed of my skin Though obstacles it may bring. I proclaim to the world that I am A Black Woman, the element of spring. I blossom with happiness And pride within myself For I am A Black Woman And I wish to be no one else... From this testimony who between these ladies would you refer to as a beautiful African woman? If it were up to me I would say both but hey feel free to let your thoughts wander and you are entitled to your own answer. How beautiful is that beautiful African woman? Could these words below create a mental picture in your mind. I certainly hope so cause it is popularly said one man's mean is another's poison. "Beautiful black woman,your sensuous splendour is like the shinning sun. Your wondrous was come from your soul,which no one man may hope to control. Beautiful black woman you are the guiding hope of our people. Beautiful black woman your mind maintains your glorious power." How beautiful is the beautiful African woman?  Hey, she works out every day to keep her body in shape yet she kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape. In fact,I may not know or have a clue on how beautiful your beautiful African woman is but I know that Black or White every woman is beautiful but for you to appreciate creation,you must start from somewhere and I have chosen to start from home, Africa. Yeah my heartthrob is White. Shout out to my lady Jenifher Vhan but I saw beauty first in my mother and sisters and THEY have painted in my heart the perfect picture of how beautiful the beautiful African woman is. How beautiful is the beautiful African woman?

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