A glimpse of Miss Cassandra

Hello You,
At this time (done with exams) I feel like dancing and touching the ceiling but I cannot because there are people in the room. How true are we to ourselves? We act too cool for school because of others but how often do we just go ahead and do what we want and let people take us for who we are... This would be the first time I would mention a blogger whose articles shape my daily activities, as a super fan of Miss Cassandra. I have decided to share her detailed piece here and you would see a lot of her in subsequent posts. 

She writes:
In the dark, you took off your life to try on someone else's,You cried when it did not fit,
Next time, do the right thing : Choose yourself - Eloghosa Osunde | @EloOsunde.

You see a million and one quotes on 'staying true to yourself' out there and I really don't think it can ever be overstated. I've come to realize that as with almost everything else in life, even with blogging its easy to lose yourself.
Has anyone else noticed the recent 'In thing' in the "style blogging" world?
How it seems like there is a 'how to guide' for even the most ridiculous things that frankly doesn't need a how to. This is just one aspect of it, there's also the other part where it seems like people start their blog to share their interests and then suddenly deviate into something else they know they truly aren't interested in doing, just because that's what they think sells currently and brings in the pageviews. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with change and spicing things up. I'm just saying the reasons for this change is what matters.
Are you doing it for you/your growth or because everyone is doing it?

A while back, I noticed a particular
'how to' type of outfit post on my bloglovin feed and even though I knew I was probably looking for trouble, I couldn't stop myself from immediately typing out how I felt in an email to the blogger. I honestly wasn't expecting a reply or a 'mind your business' type of reply but this blogger replied back almost immediately telling me of how she also wasn't sure of the title, how it didn't go with her nature and how she was just using it because that's what everyone seemed to be doing. Then she proceeded to thank me for calling her out and that's when it hit me that this here thing is actually a real problem.

This year especially has found me gobbling up on major foreign big blogs and if you also follow those big blogs, you'll probably know that they are all about 'how to's' and tips to increasing page views and lots of other generic posts.
I honestly would also have been influenced if I wasn't such a lazy bum with not much energy to expend on doing things that don't align with what I'm about. I recently tried doing that giant square Instagram feed thing because I've been seeing it on a lot of IG accounts lately and it looked too cool but I immediately found out that it wasn't truly my thing so I didn't force it.
I feel like the main problem stems from when we start looking so deeply into the blogs/lives of others, rather than spending more time getting to know and improve on ourselves. This definitely also applies in life generally and one way I try to avoid losing myself is by staying focused on my thing and tuning out of the noise from time to time. Also reminding myself of the reasons why I started doing the things I'm doing helps and of course trying to keep any bad vibes (such as comparism) at bay.
How do you try to stay true to yourself with your content/in life generally especially In times of changing trends?

P.S - Before I started writing this post, I spent some time going through my blog and I was so happy to realize that every single post was something that was in line with what I'm about. 
Can you say the same?
Have you ever tried to change yourself/ blog focus to “fit in”?

P.P.S - I have nothing against "how to's", I myself have done  and will probably still do some " how to" type of posts but I feel like most people just use it for the click bait property of it and especially for things that don't quite need a how to 

Yepp now you know why I love her works - www.cassiedaves.com

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