The story of my friend Joe Okoro

Greetings my friends, I got this story from a friend of mine,it is quite sad but we could learn from it. His story goes thus:
'Writing this email is one of the hardest thing, I had to do
in a long time.The emotions of pain and tears continue to torment me as I struggle
to write about this sad news.I just lost my dear mother. Yes, the same woman who was with me when I had a ghastly accident with a reckless bike man in May 2013.
Mama died after 47 days in the hospital from cardiac failure at the
middle age of 58. (I'm just 36 and the first son of the woman).For the past 7 week's I have been battling to save my mother while she was in the hospital. I provided everything the doctors asked of me and subjected myself to daily prayers to God to save her life, yet
at the end of the day, she still died a very painful death. I guess God knows the best, and allowed her to die anyway. 

My mother developed High blood pressure 17 years ago (When she was 41) and few years earlier she had Rheumatic Arthritis, which incapacitated her so much that she had limited movement. Overtime, she gained so much weight because of this incapacitation, and to make matters worse, mum can not exercise because she experiences excruciating pain just walking short distance. We were warned earlier on for her need to exercise to help her heart to become stronger, but we managed to subject her to some Physiotherapy that can help her. Overtime she developed early signs of heart failure which we managed with some medication for the past 10 years.Towards the end of her life, Mama became too passive and too weak for any form of exercise because of her chronic arthritis, we even subjected her to a change of diet for almost 2 years now. The fact that she did not do sufficient exercises to help her heart contributed to a weaker heart that is already failing.
I was FORCED to learn the EXTREME VALUE of regular exercise, even though I endorse it all the time and I do it 2 - 3 times every week. So if my mother was able to exercise regularly from the age of 41 when she had that hypertension, she would have lived up to 70 or even 80 years of age.
Hence this UNTIMELY DEATH would have been averted, thus echoing what I preach on my healthy living guy blog every week. See, the value of regular exercise can not be over-emphasized. It is the most important, and healthiest activity any living person can do, apart from healthy eating. Exercising should not be OPTIONAL. It should be something everyone of us does regularly, the way we take our bath everyday. Imagine not brushing your teeth or washing your mouth for many years, a regular activity that should be done daily, what do you think your mouth condition would be like when you talk to people?
It is the same situation NOT exercising regularly has on the heart eventually, a very weak heart. And if you are fat, heart failure results from hypertension. If you are too busy, find 10 - 20 minutes for exercise every other day of the week that will make you sweat profusely. Neglect this at your peril. If anyone tries to sell you any solution to lose weight without the option of exercise, that weight loss solution is a scam. The organization or person selling this is just interested in making a quick sale off you. If you want a healthy life, YOU MUST, as a matter of fact FIX exercise into your weekly plan no matter how busy you are. If not, the consequences is always fatal eventually.
The death of my own mother is a true proof of this fact. While my mother was in the hospital, the thought of flying her abroad for a heart transplant occurred to me, but the inquiries I made to this effect proved abortive as I was informed that patients who want a heart transplant wait from 6 months to 2 years before a donor is found. My mother's case was an urgent one. Furthermore, the cost of a heart transplant is way beyond my financial capacity. Before she died, she was on Oxygen for almost 7 days and the bill is quite expensive and the entire treatment for her own advanced health case left a serious hole in my pocket.

Quite sad huh,well such is life, I hope you learnt from his story.

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